Saturday, March 17, 2012

Listened: "Bossypants" by Tina Fey

Listened: Bossypants by Tina Fey, 2011, WPLC download.

- I just told my wife I finished listening to this and that the book was, "Not as great as some people [as I literally pointed a finger at my wife] seem to think."
- My wife responds with, "It was funny!"
- "I enjoyed it," I respond "but some of the humor does not translate past the sex line."

This seems to be the usual celebrity autobio with a mix of personal and work history. I liked the book but, like I wrote above, her jokes no motherhood, menstruation, s on women don't click with me. Fey's narration was above average.

Short version: Grew in Philadelphia. Friends with gays. Went to UVA. Fashion disaster. Moved to Chicago. Hired by Second City. Hired to write at SNL. SNL Head Writer. "What's it like being in charge of men?" SNL fake news anchor. Started 30 Rock. Emmies for 30 Rock. Sara Palin. Gets book deal.

Long version:
1- During high school did summer theater and loved it. High school kinda sucked except for those summer theater pals. Loves her parents.
2- College was a romantic failure. Stories told.
3- Chicago was tough with shifts at a suburban YMCA starting at 5 AM. Classes at Second City led to a job there.
4- blah blah blah. What do I have to say that is any more important than what Fey says?
5- I liked her commentary about women in comedy. I've read smaller snippets by her on that topic but the longer stories in the book were illuminating. I just learned illuminative is not a word.
6- A fun book. Well worth your listening time.

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