Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Quit: "Deer Life" by Ron Sexsmith

Quit: Deer Life: a fairy tale by Ron Sexsmith, 2017, 9781459738775.

Sexsmith has written some fine songs and put out some neat albums. I think it is good that an artist decided to stretch his limits and try out a new art form. I do not think it is good that a publisher tried to cash in with Sexsmith's fans by publishing this dreck.

Dreck? Yes, dreck. Harsh but true. I read the preface and about four pages of the story and gave up on the thick and unskilled writing. If I, the complete amateur and unskilled grammarian, identifies ways to clean up the text then something has gone wrong.

The story starts with a young woman and her dog visiting a roadside inn. I gave up beyond that.

1 comment:

Todd Mason said...

You need never waste any time with Penn Gilette's SOCK, either. Nor Bob Dylan's TARANTULA.