Thursday, March 3, 2022

Crime: "Pills and Soap" by DDC Morgan

 Crime: Pills and Soap by DDC Morgan, 2021, 9781914475139.

I started reading some books by Fahrenheit Press after Anthony Neil Smith published with the house and promoted fellow authors. Morgan's first novel with Reg Calloway was Blood and Cinders and set at a post-war London racetrack. 

Calloway quit that racetrack job at the end of the Blood and is now security head at a movie studio. A car is blown up during a big party for film financiers and society people at one of the studio buildings. Calloway is called out of bed to the scene. Calloway - trained as a military cop and intelligence officer - takes a look at everything. Calloway gets talked to by the cops and the government intelligence service. Calloway gets talked to by London-based IRA members. Calloway gets talked to by the studio owner. Calloway gets talked to by a anti-nazi group wanting him to join. Calloway has pressure from all angles by all people. 


1. Fun stuff. I still really like this post-war setting. 

2. Calloway is a standard crime guy: A loner. Traumatic past. Unable to emotionally connect with people who are not fellow combat veterans. Moving from job to job. Following his own moral code.

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