Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just Read: "Hunt Among the Killers of Men" by Gabriel Hunt (David J. Schow)

Just Read: Hunt Among the Killers of Men by Gabriel Hunt (David J. Schow), 2010, 9780843962567.

This Hunt novel diverges from the usual Hunt formula. There is no supernatural element, no secret and ancient societies or religions, no love interests for Gabriel, no glove trotting to several exotic settings, the villain's evil right hand man is not evil, the world is not saved in the end, and the hunt for artifacts takes a far backseat to the action.

Lucifer "Lucy" Hunt is introduced. Lucy is the hunt sister who ran away from home when she was 17. She is now 26 and skips out on her European house arrest to come to NYC and ask Gabriel for help. Her friend (girlfriend apparently) is suspected of murdering her own sister.

Gabriel helps bail the friend and finds the dead girl worked for a Chinese crime lord who had her murdered. The Friend skips off to China and Gabriel follows to try and convince her to stay out of trouble. Gabriel gets in trouble. Gabriel teams with Chinese girl assassin. Schow uses many obscure words. Schow informs on Chinese culture and crime. Gabriel is caught. Gabriel is rescued. Things happen. Helicopters crash. Guns are shot. People are drugged. Bad guy dies a painful death alone.

1. I read Schow's other Hard Case novel and Schow has put plenty of gun stuff in both. Right Hand Man uses an OTs-33. I looked the pistol up and it is a full auto firing 9mm MAK.
2. I read that Schow does screenplays and other movie work. I wonder if he visited Shanghai for work because at one point he writes about a massive Chinese movie set.

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